What is Sliding Scale Pricing?
I strongly believe that art/artistic services should not be reserved only for the wealthy. To hold true to this while also supporting myself in our current economic system, all of my wares and services are priced on a sliding scale.
In practice, this means that if you are interested in one of my physical wares, I will give you a range of prices based on the complexity of the piece and the materials used and you can decide what to pay within that range.
For my services, I ask that you value my time to the same degree that yours is valued. Whatever your wage is per hour, that's what your price will be for one hour of work.
For a simple necklace, I might give you the price range of between $10 - $25. Depending on your financial situation, this might mean you pay $13, or $20, or $25.
For a video edit, if you make $45/hr, and my work on your project takes two hours, the price for the project will be $90.
If you are feeling particularly generous/feel that your financial situation warrants it, you might pay more. Donations like this sustain me and help me keep my work accessible.
I invite you to take a look at the graphic below, developed by Alex J. Cunningfolk, and read more about sliding scale on their blog: http://www.wortsandcunning.com/blog/sliding-scale